All functions |
Converting ORCIDs to ShORCIDs and vice versa |
Add HTML tags to a source |
Apply multiple DiagrammeR global graph attributes |
Conversion between base10 and base30 |
Taking a vector, carry value over ('persistence') |
Concatenate to screen without spaces |
Check for presence of a package |
Get an item in a specific language |
Create a heatmap showing issues with items |
Convert a character vector into an utterance vector |
Cleaning & editing sources |
Replace code identifiers with their full paths |
Get a vector to find the full paths based on the leaf code identifier |
Code frequencies separate by a variable |
Create a frequency histogram for codes |
Import a code book specification from a spreadsheet |
Convert a codebook specification to PDF |
Create a coding scheme |
Convenience function to get a list of all available coding schemes |
Add one or more codes to one or more sources |
Collapse the occurrences in utterances into groups |
Create an overview of coded fragments |
Compress a vector or data frame |
Vector compression helper functions |
Conveniently convert vectors to numeric |
Convert 'rectangular' or spreadsheet-format data to one or more sources |
Create a co-occurrence matrix |
Create HTML fragment with CSS styling |
Convert a document (.docx, .pdf, .odt, .rtf, or .html) to a plain text file |
An very rudimentary example codebook specification |
Expand categorical attribute variables to a series of dichotomous variables |
Expand a vector or data frame |
Exporting tables to HTML |
Export the fully merged code tree(s) |
Export a merged source data frame |
Export codes to a plain text file |
Export parsed sources to HTML or Markdown |
Extract the codings by each coder using the coderId |
Generate utterance identifiers (UIDs) |
Generic underlying recoding function |
Get the code identifiers a code's descendents |
Return all values from a nested list in a dataframe |
Create a filter to select utterances in a source |
Get the state transition data frame |
Get the state transition data frame |
Get the state transition table |
Get utterances and codes from source |
Return one or more values from a nested list in a list of vectors |
Print a heading |
Generic convenience function to create a heatmap |
Import a sourec from Google Documents |
Read sources from a directory, parse them, and show coded fragments and code tree |
Load a source from a file or a string |
Masking sources |
Match the corresponding indices of (YAML) delimiters in a sequential list |
Merge source files by different coders |
Rename one or more codes |
Convert a number to a date using Excel's system |
Options for the rock package |
Create an ENA network out of one or more parsed sources |
Parsing sources |
Parsing sources separately for each coder |
Prepending unique utterance identifiers |
Initialize a (pre)registration |
Plot the graphs in a list of graphs |
Convert a QNA network to Linear Topic Map format |
Bind lots of dataframes together rowwise |
Simple alternative for rbind.fill or bind_rows |
Convenience function to read spreadsheet-like files |
Add child codes under a parent code |
Merge two or more codes |
Move one or more codes to a different parent |
Split a code into multiple codes |
Repeat a string a number of times |
Show all coded fragments |
Convert a (pre)registration form to an R Markdown template |
rock: A Reproducible Open Coding Kit |
Import a Narrative Response Model specification |
Get the roots from a vector with code paths |
Create a source with items to code for Response Process Evaluation |
Save your justifications to a file |
Show a table with all attributes in the RStudio viewer and/or console |
Show the fully merged code tree(s) |
Show the inductive code tree(s) |
Split long lines |
Strip the root from a code path |
Synchronize multiple streams |
Sync (expand or compress) a vector |
Create a templated report for cognitive interviews |
Convert a codebook specification to PDF |
Remove one or more codes |
Easily parse a vector into a character value |
Wordwrapping a source |
Wrap all elements in a vector |
Write a source to a file |
Get indices of YAML delimiters |